1.can open Live2d v2.1 file
{“.moc", ".moc.bytes”} Future versions{ “.moc3", ".moc3.bytes” } 2.can open Spine 4.2 4.1 4.0 3. 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.0 2.1 file (json format file binary format file) { “.skel", ".skel.bytes”, “.json" } { ".atlas.prefab”,“*.prefab” }
3.can open Lpk wpk file { “.lpk", ".wpk” }
4.slice texture, when the original photoshop file is missing, two steps create *.psd file( two steps maybe Future versions) First, slice texture,keep rotating ,posion to *.pngs files, scecond ,photoshop import these *.pngs files to one *.psd file.
5.texture to PMA (PremultiplyAlpha), PMA (PremultiplyAlpha) to Straight Alpha resize texture
It seems like open source.
This is Pre-release version.Are you collect any issues?
I don’t get any git account,just waiting for stable version.
还有在看到纹理窗囗截图是透视镜头带个unity默认的天空盒./And I see the texture viewer in unity difficult skybox with perspective camera.
我也期待这个查看器未来能/I hope this viewer can do this in the future:
1.查看pvr.ccz,pvr,pkm纹理文件/view pvr.ccz pvr pkm texture files
2.查看fbx,obj等网格与纹理结合的一般效果,例如碧蓝航线的立绘或者其他纸板三维模型/view plate meshes model/animation (such as azur lane character) file(fbx,obj etc.) with texture
v2.01版反馈/version issue 还有没有打开文件夹窗囗或路径输入框甚至没提示可以拖文件夹
没有帮助文档/There’s no documentation for help.